Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Best Aftershave For Men

Selecting The Best Aftershave For Men

-Before we begin our mens aftershave top ten list, let's go over a couple of things first...

When it comes to the shaving habits of men, it is often the splash of aftershave in the morning that wakes us up. For many men, aftershave is the morning jolt we need, before our morning cup of coffee.

If you are looking for the -best aftershave for men, you may wish to keep in mind that there are over a thousand men shaving products on the market today.

What may be the best after shave for that guy, may be the worst for you.

It is great that you are checking out these mens aftershave reviews, but it will take some personal testing on your own jowls, to find the best aftershave for you.

Aftershave is more than a silly fashion statement. I tend to look at it as a form of medication for my face. It is a more tantalizing and refreshing application than a splash of cold water and it makes for the best shave when you use the right stuff. Many mens after shaves contain antiseptic agents, (to help prevent infection) and botanical ingredients to provide comfort and healing aspects as well.

Today, a huge market of after shaving products for men has been created. There is a vast array of blends, fragrances, and consistencies. This predicament can prompt a guy to ask... "What is the best mens aftershave"?

Well guys, the answer to that question is totally subjective. But, I am going to try and answer it and give you some helpful tips on men shaving applications with my top ten best aftershaves for men list that follows.

What Is Aftershave?

--First off, we need to get a couple things straight... Mens aftershave and cologne are two completely different things.

A lot of guys want to go cheap on their cologne and they think that if they get the aftershave version of their favorite fragrance, it will suffice. Unfortunately, they are mistaken.

An after-shave is a nice start and a good way to compliment ones favorite cologne, but, it will not provide a lasting sent.

Your typical aftershave contains only 1%-3% of the essential perfume oils, so the scent you wish to exude will not last as long as your average cologne or Eau de Toilette. You may get a couple - three hours out of it and then it's pretty much done for.

After shave is great for soothing the skin and closing pores, but, if you want the fragrance to last, you will still need a cologne or EDT.

FYI: If you have ever asked "why do men use aftershave instead of cologne or EDT"? The reason is simple... The others have higher perfume oil levels. Cologne at 2%-5% and Eau de Toilette at 5%-8%. This would leave your face a bit too oily and you smelling a bit too strong.

-Aftershave lotionis best when it is used with it's matching cologne or Eud-de-Toilette. But, if you like to mix and match, make sure the two scents that you combine are compatible with each other.

Now, if you are one of those guys who wants to take care of your skin by religiously using aftershave, but, you do not care for the after-burn or you just had a particularly rough shave, you may wish to give aftershave balma try.

I personally do not mind the sting after a good shave. But, I do like to use aftershave balm occasionally . Mostly for its moisturizing qualities. If you have particularly dry skin, balm is a great way to add moisture to your face.

Now, keep in mind, these are your typical men's aftershave products. If you suffer from bumps, you may wish to take a look at Bump Patrol

No. 10 Clubman Pinaud

First, yet last, on my top ten best aftershaves for men, is the grand-daddy of all aftershaves; Clubman Pinaud After Shave Lotion.

No. It is not the oldest of all aftershaves, but it is an old school lotion. Or should I say, old barbershop aftershave lotion?

Back in the day it was very common for men to go down to the corner barber shop to get a hair cut and a shave.

After your hair was cut and your mug got shaved, the barber would stand behind you and rub a bit of this stuff, or a after-shave lotion very much like it, onto your face and the back of your neck.

Then he would dust you with a dash of aftershave powderbefore removing the cape so that you could pay him to leave.

You do not find many of these old school barber shops for shaving men anymore. But If you do happen to come across one, do yourself a favor, stop in for a haircut and a shave. It may seem a bit odd at first, letting another man shave your face, but if you have a good barber, you will love it.

No. 9 Geo F. Trumper Skin Food

Do you have sensitive skin? If so, then the best aftershave for men with sensitive skin is a little know lotion called, Geo F. Trumper Skin Food.

Trumper's skin food has to be the best aftershave balm ever. It actually feeds and protects the skin. There are a couple of ways to use it too...

If you have very sensitive skin, you can apply a bit of this before the shave to help the razor glide over your skin, and then after the shave to protect your skin as it heals.

Though this stuff works great, it's not cheap. What I like most about it is that the fragrance isn't very strong and fades out quickly. That way I can wear my favorite mens colognewithout mixing scents.

I got to hand it to Trumper Skin Food, it leaves your face feeling smooth, protected and soft.

No. 8 Bvlgari BLV After Shave Balm

One of the shaving products men should have on standby is a cool blue soothing balm. Bvlgari BLV After Shave Balm fits that bill very nicely.

Now keep in mind, it is best to use the same flavor aftershave as the cologne you wear. I happen to love Bvlgari cologne and I try to avoid mixing it with a competing scent.

BLV has a very light and casual fragrance that is just so clean. It is a friendly blend of sandalwood, juniper berries, and cedar that exudes manliness but it is not too rugged or overbearing. The fragrance of BLV is totally professional.

No. 7 Lacoste

I must admit, at first I picked this stuff up for the little green crocodile logo. I love the smell and effects of lacoste aftershave, but I selected it more based on status, than performance.

Plus, I needed an aftershave that went with my best lacoste cologne.

There is no way I am going to mess up such a fine fragrance with some off brand toilet water. And I say that in the politest way possible.

No. 6 Kiehl's Facial Fuel

-This isn't exactly an after shaving product, but it kinda is...Kiehl's Facial Fuel Energizing Moisture Treatment For Men is some of the best men's facial moisture treatment I have ever used. I use it mostly in the winter time when my face tends to get a little chapped from the dry, cold, weather.

It is a bit pricey, but you only need to use a dab about the size of a nickel, so it goes a long way.

To top it off, it is a non-greasy formula that has a nice, light, manly scent that can be blended with just about any cologne.

No. 5 Zirh Soothe

Ever have a dull razor day? I am sure that you have. It was the day you just had to shave, but you forgot to pick up new blades the day before. You ended up raking your face over with a dull razor and it burned like hell after. What you need after that was some Zirh Soothe on hand.

This stuff is great on razor burn. If you want a lotion that works fast to ice down your abused skin, Zirh works like a champ.

Though this stuff works fast and does a nice job, I am not too keen on the scent. It is a little flat in my opinion. Nothing to write home about for sure. But as I am basing this review on performance, and not perfume, it get's two thumbs up.

No. 4 Pinaud - Clubman Virgin Island Bay Rum

I was hanging out at a local barber shop one day and ran into a funny older fellow who turned me onto this stuff called Pinaud - Clubman Virgin Island Bay Rum Aftershave.

I am not sure how we got onto the topic of aftershaves, but he was lamenting on how all the young people go out and buy these fancy and expensive after shaves and that it was a waste of money.

He then said that he has used a cheap Bay Rum barbershop aftershave lotion for the past forty years and his face hasn't fallen off yet.

If that wasn't an endorsement, I don't know what is. So I went out and splurged a whopping $12.00 and picked up a big bottle of the stuff. You know what? The old man was right. You do not need to spend a small fortune on a fancy product to get the good stuff.

For about the same price of a good cheap clipper cut, you can have a nice facial splash that doesn't break the bank.

No. 3 Tabac Original

Thank God for the internet/web.

I am about to date myself here, but, back in the 80's I could find this stuff at just about any store that carried mens shaving supplies.

Then, for some unknown reason, it disappeared off the shelf. Granted, I didn't miss it much. Not with all the other shaving products for men to choose from. Heck, I even forgot that it existed until I ran across it a while back on Amazon.

I almost couldn't believe it. Just seeing it brought back some bad first date memories. I wore this stuff back in the day like it was going out of style. Little did I know that it was.

Tabac Originalis a classic aftershave that every guy should have in his collection. And thanks to the internet, now you can.

No. 2 Jovan Musk

I am a self admitted cologne and aftershave nut. If you walked into my room you would see a 6 foot long dresser top that holds a city of perfume and after shave bottles on top of it. I have reluctantly thrown out half full bottles of fragrances just so that I can make room for new ones. Crazy. I know.

My dad wasn't like that. He only had one or two aftershaves up in the medicine cabinet and one of them was Jovan Musk.

The other was Old English, but I think that was a gift we gave him for Christmas that he never used.

Anyhow, the scent of Jovan Musk always brings me back to my childhood and reminds me of my dad. It ranks number 2 on my top ten list mostly for nostalgic reasons, but, this is my list, so I can place it here if I want.

No. 1 Polo Green

Alright, I have saved the best for last, Ralph Lauren Polo Polo Green Aftershave. It is sweet, mild and very pleasant.

I can not think of any aftershave cologne mix that I wear more often with such great attention grabbing results.

If you are getting this as a gift for your significant other, I hope you do not have a jealous bone. Odds are good that they are going to get some active attention when they sport this stuff. It never fails.

Some claim that this stuff is old school, out dated and unfashionable, but I beg to differ. I have never found a scent as timeless and sexy as Polo Green.

If you have never tried it, you do not know what you are missing.

Monday, July 15, 2013

Top 10 Best Ever Self Help Books

The Only Help is Self Help.

 They may not be the ten best books ever written, but they are the the Best Self Help Books For Men Or Women: Stop Banging Your Head Against The Wall. It doesn't help.

Do you feel like your life is spinning out of control? Not sure where to turn or what to do next? Please trust me when I tell you, you can take control of your life. Just take a look at this list of the best self help books of all time to start your personal journey to well being. Should you read the reviews of the top ten self help books I have selected, I am sure that you will find one or two that can help you in your quest of personal growth.

I think that you will find the books on self help below, to be some of the best self help literature ever written for men or women. Ya know, Rome wasn't destroyed in a day. It took a while for you to get where you are in life as well. Just think how good your life is going to be now that you care and have some proper direction and guidance. You are still kicking, so there is still time...

Check out all 10 books below, but if you read no other book this year, you should at least read my pick for the number 1 best self help book ever. It will give you the true keys to reach your personal development goals. In my opinion, it is the number one self help book of all time.

 Granted, these books may not be the best selling self help books of all time, but I think that they are among the best. You are looking for Help for a reason.

This is your answer... The Top 10, (Ten) Best Ever Self Help Books Check out the Best Books on Self Help 

It Is Up To You:

Feeling down and out? Suffering from depression? Do you want to know how to Overcome Anxiety? Is Murphy's Law in full effect in your life? "What can go wrong, will." Does everything you try to do to correct the problems in your life fail, or even make things worse? Maybe your love life is in trouble or non-existent. You could feel that your only one straw away from the camels back breaking. You may not believe me when I tell you this, but no matter how bad your situation is, there is help. I can say that because I was once down and out too. My life, at one point, did not seem to be worth living. I would not have killed myself, but I did believe at one time that I would be better off dead. I was lower than whale poop. I was so down, I didn't think anything could help bring me back up. Worse still, I didn't see why I should bother. Then, due to a fluke, I ended up in the self help section of a book store. Because of this fluke, I started reading these books that I hoped would bring me out of my fog and help me find the answers that I needed. It is sad to say, but many of the self help books that I found did nothing more than help fill the authors pockets with my money. After tons of reading, and many books later, I found some books that did help bring me out of my doom and gloom mood, lifted my spirit, straightened out my thinking, and gave me the answers that I needed to live a much happier and fulfilled life. That is what prompted me into putting this page of 10 best self help books together. Not only to help you find answers and to have a happier and more fulfilled life, but to help you avoid reading through all the "crap" self help books out there, like I did, and help you to find some that I believe have "true" value. This is a list, and review, of the top self help books that helped me. They helped me when I did not know what to do about my life. More or less, this list,Top 10 Best Self Help Books, is a selection of books that I believe will help anyone. Even those who do not feel they need self help, because in truth, we all have room to improve, and as living proof, I believe that self help books, are one of the best ways to do this. If you ask me if self help works? My favorite answer to give to people is... "Self help is the only help." Even if a Docter tells you what you need to do, it is still you who has to do it. They may not be the best selling self help books of all time. But they may be the 'best self help books of all time' for men and for women. A least for me they are the top self help books of all time. There is only one self help secret, it is all up to you.

No. 10 The Total Money Makeover

This may be the last self help book on my list, but, The Total Money Makeover by Dave Ramsey is by no means any less important than the #1 self book on this list. Seeing as we are starting with number 10, it is the top self help book. The Total Money Makeover:

A Proven Plan for Financial Fitness. Many of the issues we face are due to money issues. The Total Money Makeover will help you correct, or improve, your financial situation. I know I would have been financially better off a long time ago if I had this self help book, way back when... Click Here to see The Total Money Makeover book.

No. 9 The Sixty-Second Motivator 

The Sixty-Second Motivator by Jim Johnson

 The Sixty-Second Motivator is one of the best self help books of all time.

 It is small, but powerful. The principles that Jim covers can be used every day by each of us. It can even help you to figure out how and why you have failed. Then it will tell you how to increase your chances of success in the future.

Motivation is key to all that you do in life, and this little, easy to read, self help book can help you motivate yourself. Click here to see the The Sixty-Second Motivator book.

No. 8 Cut the CRAP

 Cut the CRAP and Resolve Your Problems by David R. Cox and Donald A. Sanders

I can not say this better, so, a description I found on Amazon... "CRAP comes in many forms, but broken down into its four component parts, the authors of this really practical, straight-from-the-shoulder book identify the four main components. "C"atastrophizing -- putting a worst possible spin on any event (even before it happens); "R"ationalizing -- the misuse of logical thought; "A"gonizing -- the fear that keeps us from making decisions (no matter how small); and "P"rocrastinating -- putting off things as long as possible (often, too long).

Anyone can take control of their own life. It really is as simple as implementing the easy-to-understand and easy-to-use strategies found in the pages of this highly positive book. You can experience a revitalized YOU in just a matter of days. Don't let the minefields of indecision and fear keep you from acieving your goals and reaching the personal success you desire. You really can learn to Cut the CRAP out of your life and resolve the problems that are holding you back." So cut the "Crap." Learn how stop procrastinatiing, start with this book. Click here to see the Cut The Crap Book .

 No. 7 The Road Less Traveled 

The Road Less Traveled, by M. Scott Peck A New Psychology of Love, Traditional Values and Spiritual Growth As in all self help books, You take what you can, and drop the rest. With The Road Less Traveled, by M. Scott Peck, he shows us that "life is difficult," but that because it is difficult, life is a good thing. The stories he tells are inspirational, but at times, he borders on the (what I would call) odd. Like I said, you take what you can use from some self help books, drop the rest. The main life lesson, shown in The Road Less Traveled, makes this self help book worth the read. Click Here to See The Road Less Traveled Book or here For the The Road Less Traveled Audio CD No.

6 As a Man Thinketh 

  As a Man Thinketh by James Allen This self help book may be a classic, but the basic principles still hold true today. It shows the simple truth to people. It shows that "they themselves are makers of themselves". It builds on the Bible verse. "As a man thinketh, so he is", Mr. Allen insists that it is within the power of each person to form his own character and create his own happiness. For most people, that is a hard lesson to learn. It was for me. If you are looking for good positive thinking books, this one has to be one of the best ever written. Click here to see the As A Man Thinketh Book or here for the As A Man Thinketh Audio CD .

 No. 5 The Power of Positive Thinking 

"This book is written with the sole objective of helping the reader achieve a happy, satisfying, and worthwhile life." -- Norman Vincent Peale This may be one of the best positive thinking books of all time. The Power of Positive Thinking, by Dr. Norman Vincent Peale, has helped millions of people achieve fulfillment in their lives. This best selling self help book helps to show us the power of faith in action. With the practical techniques outlined in this self help book, you can energize your life. Dr. Peal will show you how to expect the best and get it. How to believe in yourself and in everything you do. Develop the power to reach your goals, and to break the worry habit, along with so much more. This self help book is an easy Feel good about yourself again after reading this self help book. If you need a lift me up, this self help book will do it for you. Click here to see the The Power of Positive Thinking Book or here for the The Power of Positive Thinking Audio CD .

 No. 4 Emotional Intelligence

Emotional Intelligence If you have ever felt like you are "just not smart enough," this self help book is for you. Emotional Intelligence, by Daniel Goleman,teaches us that it is our E.Q., not so much our I.Q., that matters most. If we lack in our emotional intelligence, the things that matter most in our lives suffer. Those with high E.Q. have better relationships, careers, and success, compared to those with just high I.Q.s Mr. Goleman also shows us practical ways to improve our E.Q. and why it is important to do so. This is not to say that your I.Q. is not important, but he does give great case samples as to how the higher E.Q. "Score" improves your life. Click here to see the Emotional Intelligence Book or here for the Emotional Intelligence Audio CD.

 No. 3 Learned Optimism by Martin Seligman

  Learned Optimism Learned Optimism, by Martin Seligman, is a bit of a case study/report about optimism and pessimism. He goes over the nuts and bolts as to what makes up each, and how they are both, more or less, learned behaviors. He informs us that pessimists feel helpless and that they believe that the bad things that happen in their lives are their own fault.(It is way more in depth than that) The good new is, he tells us that "pessimism is escapable." He also provides you self tests to determine your level of optimism/pessimism. Then in the final chapters he helps to teach you the skills of changing from pessimism to optimism. This change was one of the best changes I ever made, and this book can help you do it too. Click here to see the Learned Optimism Book.

 No. 2 First Things First

  First Things First This self help book, First Things First, by Stephen R. Covey may be No. 2 on my list, but it is more of an extension of the No. 1 book, The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People. First Things First, helps you to place what is truly important in your life, as first in your life. It is way more than just a time management book. It can help you to find balance between your personal and professional responsibilities without compromising your integrity. The organizing process that Mr. Covey will share with you, will help you to zone in on what is truly important to you, not just what may "seem" urgent. It also reinforces, and helps you to apply, what you learn in The 7 Habits. Click here to see the First Things First Book .

 No. 1 The Best of The Best in Self Help Books 

The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People 

Let me start out by saying, I think that this is the best self help book ever. This has to be the number one best self help book of all time. I can not say enough good things about this book. Had I not found the 7 Habits, by Stephen R. Covey, I believe that the "rotten" part of my life would have lasted for much longer than it did. The habits found in this book can literally save your life, if you choose to apply them. Though The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People was written as a leadership development guide, and not as a self help book, it is so applicable to peoples every day life, that it started to find it's way into that line. The way Mr. Covey lays out the 7 Habits, as well as the down home stories he tells to illustrate them, helps the reader to find meaning, as well as, practical use for them in their own lives. I often tell people that if they read no other book in their life, this is the book to read. I also recommend the C.D./tape to go with it, because it helps bring out the meaning of the habits a bit more than just reading the written word. If nothing else, this book is a must have. Click here to see the The 7 Habits Book or for The 7 Habits Audio CD.

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Saturday, July 13, 2013

Jeep Stuff For Girls

Don't you think that this "Silly Boys Jeeps Are For Girls" Pink Decal/Sticker says it all? 

Girls Love Jeeps. And that is why they make so many Pink Jeep Accessories for Girls and Ladies. What is it about that boxy little vehicle that makes the ladies smile?

 Is it the big mud tires or the four on the floor? Is it the roll bars or removable doors? Could it be that it comes in a soft top or hard? Maybe the ladies like the idea that it can go topless, or is it all the jeep accessories for girls they have to go with them? 

Whatever it is, I know for a fact, my lady liked my Jeep so much, she never gave it back. Yes, the Jeep Wrangler I once had, now belongs to my wife. Some guys would rather cut off their left arm before surrendering their Jeep. But she loves that little thing, and if that is all it takes to put a smile on her face, she is welcome to it.

You can find a lot of "Silly Boys Jeeps Are For Girls" Decals and Stickers to put on your Jeep. These two are just a few examples.... When you go a bit further down, you will also see a Silly Boys Jeeps Are For Girls Spare Tire Cover that you may like as well. SILLY BOYS JEEPS ARE FOR GIRLS The first one can go on the front windshield. It is a Banner - Vinyl Decal Window Sticker And this one is your standard bumper sticker.

Lip Decals They make a ton of Lip Decals and Stickers that you can place on the back of your Jeep too.

This one of Betty Boop is popular but they make them in red, black, pink, and leopard or just about every color in between. These lip stickers and decals are a polite way of saying "Kiss This!" Have you ever asked yourself why girls like Jeeps so much? Personally, I believe it is because they can personalize and accessorize them just about any way they want to. The modifications, add-ons and accessories for a Jeep are as limitless as ones imagination. If you can find enough pink jeep accessories to do this to a Wrangler, you can do anything with a Jeep. On top of that, a ton of Jeep stuff is made specifically for the ladies. From Jeep hats and T-shirts to Jeep belt buckles and earrings. They even have cute girly seat covers and steering wheel covers. Jeep Pink Crystals Purse Key Chain

 AutoTex PINK AP-P16 Plus Pink Metal Universal Wiper Blade...  Clean the mud off your windshield with these Pink Wiper Blades...

Make sure it fits. Sold individually. If you need two, order two.  Pink Metal Universal Wiper Blade

 You may want to get this cool Pink Camo Jeep Front Plate to match your new wipers... Bling Pink Crystal Rhinestone Metal Chrome Tire Rim Valve Stem Cap Replace those ugly Jeep Valve Stem Caps with these Crystal Rhinestone Valve Stem Covers.

Hawaiian Pink Giant Flip Flops Sandals - 2 Pc Floor Mats Set

Have you had a hard time finding Jeep Wrangler tire covers for girls? Well let me tell you, your job just got a whole lot easier. Take a look at TIRE COVER CENTRAL. Each of these cute spare tire covers is made to fit your tire size. If you are looking for a great Jeep tire cover, they make the tire cover fit any size tire. After your purchase all you have to do is e-mail them with your Tire size. Since each cover is custom made to fit they need to know your whole tire size. Your tire size can be found on the side wall of the tire and should look something like this example: 225/75/15. Please be sure to check the size on the spare tire, because sometimes the size on the spare tire is different then the size of the tires mounted on the vehicle.


One of the best ways to accessorize a Jeep is with new Jeep Seat Covers. Check out these jeep seat covers for girls... Give your Jeep that female touch with some hot pink or Barbie seat covers. Neoprene Jeep Seat Covers If you girls like to drive your Jeep around with your top off, you may wish to look into a set of these cute jeep seat covers... Jeep Wrangler JK TJ YJ LJ CJ Coverking Neoprene Custom Fit Seat Covers. These are made out of the same stuff wet suits are made out of. They come in several colors: Black, Grey and Black, Blue and Black, Red and Black, and as you see here... Yellow and Black. They make them to custom fit any Jeep Wrangler.

A pink Jeep hat for the ladies. How cute is that? A hat is a must have in a Jeep with the top off or the the windows are down. It helps to keep your hair from slapping you in the face or getting into your eyes. Not into hats? Get a scrunchie!

Put Some Bass in Your Baby

Put Some Bass in Your Baby,
This is the sub and amp system my wife put in her jeep. It takes up half the trunk, but man does it sound good. It is not marine grade, so you can not leave it out in the rain uncovered.

But as long as you have your top on, or a bag to put over it, you have nothing to worry about. It is easy to put in and the little brackets you see on the bottom get's screwed into the floor. It will not bounce around and it would take a little work to get it out if someone wanted to lift it. 

We got it because of the low price, great ratings and awesome reviews. It puts out some great bass and my wife loves it. As you can see, it fits nice. I couldn't believe the sound improvement. It was like going from a tin can phone to Dolby surround sound.